Monday, February 5, 2007

"Transhumanism" by Julian Huxley (1957)

"Transhumanism" by Julian Huxley (1957)
In New Bottles for New Wine, London: Chatto & Windus, 1957, pp. 13-17
Reprinted with permission of PFD, the rights-holder.

As a result of a thousand million years of evolution, the universe is becoming conscious of itself, able to under­stand something of its past history and its possible future. This cosmic self-awareness is being realized in one tiny fragment of the universe —in a few of us human beings. Perhaps it has been realized elsewhere too, through the evolution of conscious living creatures on the planets of other stars. But on this our planet, it has never happened before.

Evolution on this planet is a history of the realization of ever new possibilities by the stuff of which earth (and the rest of the universe) is made —life; strength, speed and awareness the flight of birds and the social polities of bees and ants; the emergence of mind, long before man was ever dreamt of, with the production of colour, beauty, communication, maternal care, and the beginnings of intelligence and insight. And finally, during the last few ticks of the cosmic clock, something wholly new and revolutionary, human beings with their capacities for conceptual thought and language, for self-conscious awareness and purpose, for accumulating and pooling conscious experience. For do not let us forget that the human species is as radically different from any of the microscopic single-celled animals that lived a thousand million years ago as they were from a fragment of stone or metal.

The new understanding of the universe has come about through the new knowledge amassed in the last hundred years—by psychologists, biologists, and other scientists, by archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians. It has defined man’s responsibility and destiny—to be an agent for the rest of the world in the job of realizing its inherent potentialities as fully as possible.

It is as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all, the business of evolu­tion —appointed without being asked if he wanted it, and without proper warning and preparation. What is more, he can’t refuse the job. Whether he wants to or not, whether he is conscious of what he is doing or not, he is in point of fact determining the future direction of evolution on this earth. That is his inescapable destiny, and the sooner he realizes it and starts believing in it, the better for all concerned.

What the job really boils down to is this—the fullest realization of man’s possibilities, whether by the individual, by the community, or by the species in its processional ad­venture along the corridors of time. Every man-jack of us begins as a mere speck of potentiality, a spherical and microscopic egg-cell. During the nine months before birth, this automatically unfolds into a truly miraculous range of organization: after birth, in addition to continuing auto­matic growth and development, the individual begins to realize his mental possibilities—by building up a person­ality, by developing special talents, by acquiring knowledge and skills of various kinds, by playing his part in keeping society going. This post-natal process is not an automatic or a predetermined one. It may proceed in very different ways according to circumstances and according to the individual’s own efforts. The degree to which capacities are realized can be more or less complete. The end-result can be satisfactory or very much the reverse: in particular, the personality may grievously fail in attaining any real wholeness. One thing is certain, that the well-developed, well-integrated personality is the highest product of evolution, the fullest realization we know of in the universe.

The first thing that the human species has to do to prepare itself for the cosmic office to which it finds itself appointed is to explore human nature, to find out what are the possi­bilities open to it (including, of course, its limitations, whether inherent or imposed by the facts of external nature). We have pretty well finished the geographical exploration of the earth; we have pushed the scientific exploration of nature, both lifeless and living, to a point at which its main outlines have become clear; but the exploration of human nature and its possibilities has scarcely begun. A vast New World of uncharted possibilities awaits its Columbus.

The great men of the past have given us glimpses of what is possible in the way of personality, of intellectual understanding, of spiritual achievement, of artistic creation. But these are scarcely more than Pisgah glimpses. We need to explore and map the whole realm of human possibility, as the realm of physical geography has been explored and mapped. How to create new possibilities for ordinary living? What can be done to bring out the latent capacities of the ordinary man and woman for understanding and enjoyment; to teach people the techniques of achieving spiritual experience (after all, one can acquire the technique of dancing or tennis, so why not of mystical ecstasy or spiritual peace?); to develop native talent and intelligence in the growing child, Instead of frustrating or distorting them? Already we know that painting and thinking, music and mathematics, acting and science can come to mean something very real to quite ordinary average boys and girls —provided only that the fright methods are adopted for bringing out the children’s possibilities. We are beginning to realize that even the most fortunate people are living far below capacity, and that most human beings develop not more than a small fraction of their potential mental and spiritual efficiency. The human race, in fact, is surrounded by a large area of unrealized possibilities, a challenge to the spirit of exploration.

The scientific and technical explorations have given the Common Man all over the world a notion of physical possi­bilities. Thanks to science, the under-privileged are coming to believe that no one need be underfed or chronically diseased, or deprived of the benefits of its technical and practical applications.

The world’s unrest is largely due to this new belief. People are determined not to put up with a subnormal standard of physical health and material living now that science has revealed the possibility of raising it. The unrest will produce some unpleasant consequences before it is dissipated; but it is in essence a beneficent unrest, a dynamic force which will not be stilled until it has laid the physio­logical foundations of human destiny.

Once we have explored the possibilities open to conscious­ness and personality, and the knowledge of them has become Common property, a new source of unrest will have emerged, will realize and believe that if proper measures are taken, no one need be starved of true satisfaction, or con­demned to sub-standard fulfillment. This process too will begin by being unpleasant, and end by being beneficent. It will begin by destroying the ideas and the institutions that stand in the way of our realizing our possibilities (or even deny that the possibilities are there to be realized), and will go on by at least making a start with the actual construction of true human destiny.

Up till now human life has generally been, as Hobbes described it, “nasty, brutish and short”; the great majority of human beings (if they have not already died young) have been afflicted with misery in one form or another—poverty, disease, ill-health, over-work, cruelty, or oppression. They have attempted to lighten their misery by means of their hopes and their ideals. The trouble has been that the hopes have generally been unjustified, the ideals have generally failed to correspond with reality.

The zestful but scientific exploration of possibilities and of the techniques for realizing them will make our hopes rational, and will set our ideals within the framework of reality, by showing how much of them are indeed realizable. Already, we can justifiably hold the belief that these lands of possibility exist, and that the present limitations and miserable frustrations of our existence could be in large measure surmounted. We are already justified in the con­viction that human life as we know it in history is a wretched makeshift, rooted in ignorance; and that it could be transcended by a state of existence based on the illumination of knowledge and comprehension, just as our modern control of physical nature based on science transcends the tentative fumblings of our ancestors, that were rooted in superstition and professional secrecy.

To do this, we must study the possibilities of creating a more favourable social environment, as we have already done in large measure with our physical environment. We shall start from new premises. For instance, that beauty (some­thing to enjoy and something to be proud of) is indispensable, and therefore that ugly or depressing towns are immoral; that quality of people, not mere quantity, is what we must aim at, and therefore that a concerted policy is required to prevent the present flood of population-increase from wrecking all our hopes for a better world; that true understanding and enjoyment are ends in themselves, as well as tools for or relaxations from a job, and that therefore we must explore and make fully available the techniques of education and self-education; that the most ultimate satisfaction comes from a depth and wholeness of the inner life, and therefore that we must explore and make fully available the techniques of spiritual development; above all, that there are two complementary parts of our cosmic duty —one to ourselves, to be fulfilled in the realization and enjoyment of our capacities, the other to others, to be fulfilled in service to the community and in promoting the welfare of the generations to come and the advancement of our species as a whole.

The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself —not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity. We need a name for this new belief. Perhaps transhumanism will serve: man remaining man, but trans­cending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.

“I believe in transhumanism”: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Pekin man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.

Posted by jhughes on 2004/08/27 •


Just a ramdom picture of tiger, hope you like it...!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Mannequin (Episode I)

So beautiful, I can see from the way she sways. She got that empty stare, or should I say a glance. And it was also so cold. And when she moves, her body strokes the air in a gentle kind of way, but still unable to cover up the awkwardnes of most girls at her age. She is a ‘Mannequin’. A perfect one.

I was about sixteen years old, at the age adult enough to be slaved by lust. She was fourteen years old, the Mannequin, and I just called her like that in my heart. And about the passion to having her my own? Of course it exists and it rattles wildly in my hearts, the vision of her body keep invading my brain cell like insane. I cannot recklessly called that ‘Love’. Even the passion of having her in my arm was on a high altitude, I decided to postponed my move indefinitely. It because of at the first time I tried to talk to her, she keeps on rattles as if she was going to collapsed.

“I want you.” So I attacked her. “You and me, girl. What d’you think.?”

“I’m not sure…never been with a man before.”

“I’m not a man yet…I’m just a boy. As innocent as you.” And it was followed with my hideous grin.

“M..My father won’t let me.”

“He don’t need to know.”


“So what d’you think?”

“its..up to you.”

Bad answer. See, when a girl told me that it’s up to me, can I drag her to bed and just put my hands all over her body? Can I suck her lips as it was an extention to mine? Can I lock her up in my room for months? Can I kill her dad if he wont let me take his daughter? Or – simply – can I be her boyfriend? Absolutely not. A (confused) girl could come up with that “up to you” answers - or in Bahasa: “terserah” – when you ask her something which she cannot decide at the time.

So what do I do? I just step back and postponed everything. She did not rejected me at the time, but the answer is also not a very positive one. Eventhough most of my friends and also her friends told me that she did accept me that time. All I said then “I only go for the word ‘yes’ or ‘no’.” I though se was too young at that time, and she will need some space to grow and make a decisions to my proposal.

A year later I did what I have to do when I met her. I was seventeen, she was fifteen.

“Remember what I’ve asked you last year?”

“yeah…how about that?”

“Now I’m serious. What is your answer?”

“I have a boyfriend now.”

Merde! Puta! Salope! (these are french words, don’t look up for the meanings).

“I like you better than my current boyfriend, but you dissapeared right after I answer your proposal.”

Silly me, I guess one year is a little to long for delaying action, right?

So girls…the moral of this story is: keep out with using ‘up to you’ as an answer…it is disorienting and full of uncertainty.

More silly stories of Me and the “Manequin of Head-ache and Heart-ache” coming up by request of your comments.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Exam time...'s exam time...
i'll be having a very frightening exam on friday...
off with the blog and on with the books!

Wish me luck
and I'll see you on saturday

Saturday, December 16, 2006


let's make promise...
In this blog i will post:
  • Some views and opinion about anything (anything i like)
  • Movie reviews...i've watched so many movies. I shall share the experience to you...
  • Book reviews...any books
  • Music reviews...only those which i've heard of course
  • Any other consumable (reviewable) items
  • Short biographies
  • My art-works...digitally and old-style (but only if i could get one of those Scanner)
  • My Snap-shots
  • Law articles (hey, i'm a law scholar...)
  • Tips...if i have one, i'd share it to you, swear.
  • ...and no, i will not make this blog exclusively about India...(but by request i might post a couple of information about living/study in India)

NB: all of these posts originally will be presented in english or in bahasa indonesia. Comments will be accepted in any language...

Stick around...


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Game of violence...

Ready for the ol' ultra-violence?

Throughout cases of shooting in the schools in the U.S, people believed that media violence is one of the main cause. And in one of these media there are video games. Some video games, either it was designed for PC or Consoles believed to be graphic enough that it could trigger violence in children's mind...and even also adult's.

So, have you try one of those games? I did...and let me share it with you.

  1. Doom. This is said to be the mother of the most famous school shooting in Columbine, U.S. a couple years ago. It could be the first FPS (First Person Shooter) game that made for PC, features the hero strolling around halls full of hostile humans and creatures, solving problems in each level by shooting at 'em with bigger and bigger guns. Blood and body part obviously flying everywhere in a most inartistic way (it is an under-Dos game...). This game was the mother of all future FPS games later on, including Duke Nukem, Halflife, Quake, and much more, including the more sophisticated remakes and sequels for those games. the main feature is: guns, bloods, and body parts. I never finished this game, skipping it into its apprentice...Duke Nukem.

  2. Duke Nukem. This game obviously an upgraded version of Doom, now besides featuring blood, guns and body parts it's also features sexy babes...yeah! we can see our hero shotgunning every evil aliens that kidnapped "earth babes". Optionally we could also shoot this captured naked women and turn them into a splatter of body parts to end their suffering after being molested by the ugly aliens. For you gore lovers out there, Duke Nukem also feature sliding doors and big machinery that could squeeze your enemy into a pool of blood and...of course body-parts. I triumphantly finished this game, victorious and bloody excited... shooting my way stages after stages when i was 16 years old...i did it while flirting around by the phone with my first girlfriend.

  3. Postal 2. Originally, Postal was inspired by an incident in the U.S when a post service officer went mad because of stress and start shooting at people with a big guns. The term "gone postal" since then has become a common expression to describe when suddenly a man goes completely mad. After series of controversies, Postal make its way as one of the 'sick games' category. I don't know what is happening in first game, I did played the sequel that eventually make me kinda sick...but I finished anyway. The game features one dude in a normal life, try to do his daily chores day after day in a week. His main missions were quite common: pay dues, buy milk, go to the party, pick up package, go the office...but in his way for doing that he cannot avoid his miserable fate: to start shooting people!!!...optionally, you could shoot anybody you see in this game and still make your way finishing the game. For variations, several feature also available, you could unzipped your pants and start peeing people, chop of somebody's head with a shovel, pour gasoline on people and burnt them...and much more. Graphically you could see burnt bodies, faeces in an unflushed toilet, headless corps, vomit, reddish pee because of gonnorhea, and of course blood. The worst thing about this game is that it didn't based in 'heroes and villains' storyline, it is just a story of a man who got a very shitty day and cannot avoid killing people in his way to finish his things.

Those are only a few of couple disturbing games that I have been consumed...if you ask me for what? merely for entertainment I think. As long as I keep the gore and violence in the PC-Games and never intend to visualize it into my daily life, nobody could question my sanity for mastering those games. Labelling this game for mature consumers only is the first thing that we should do, obviously even the most mild action feature could trigger blood-thirst in a mind of a child. Violence done by or did to children is completely wrong in anyway, and protecting them from these type of entertainment probably is the most wise thing we could do.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Is it wicked not to care?

Is it wicked not to care?
hundreds of people lose their homes by a mass of flooding mud, one high profile commercial Islamic figure split his love for two wives, a parliament member responsible for moral issues caught on video cam naked with a b-class singer, another celebrity died because of drug overdose ... most of them get caught and went to prison, a human right gathering was attacked by a group of anarchist people, brute mass gathering now is the lawmaker in the cities...and these were only the beginning...
so, is it wicked not to care?
